Blog Title: あい + 肉球 Layout Title: PHOTOCHEMISTRY Compatible Browser: Internet Explorer & Firefox Compatible Screen Resolution: 1280px by 800px
You have stumbled upon my personal blog, あい + 肉球 (ai + nikukyu, means "love + cat's paw"; it's a pun of my name, anyway). Feel free to explore and don't forget to comment before you leave~!
This blog belongs to me (^_^). Resources used can be found in Credits.
Grades Report
Posted on: 平成20年12月19日金曜日 Posted at: 19:13
Abis pulang dari bagi rapot ni, hahaha... Duh, gw ga tau musti seneng ato ngga. Senengnya, yaaah, bisa dibilang I've reached my goal, alias dapet ranking :P (tebak sendiri ranking berapanya deh, hahahaha ntar gw dikatain sombong lagi). Sedihnya, nilai gw tuh pas-pasan banget menurut gw *digebukin anak-anak sekelas* TT^TT
Gw tau gw harusnya bisa mencapai yang lebih tinggi dari yang sekarang gw terima. Nyokap gw aja bilang gw harusnya mampu, hanya saja gw di semester 1 ini -kay; I have to admit it- terlalu sante + ga serius ama skul. But it's okay lah buat sekarang, toh gw juga harus bersyukur gw udah bisa mencapai target. Tinggal tingkatkan semangat belajar supaya bisa mencapai yang lebih baik di semester 2. Yooosh! >< (Ni, lagipula kamu mau menghadapi UAN. Musti serius banget!)
Oh, ya, Try Out matek gw unexpectedly masuk yang paling tinggi lhoooooo (tertinggi ke-3 atau ke-4, lupa), hehehe. *apaan sih, udah ga penting pamer pula* Tapi IPA-nya ancur abis, ahahaha.
Yasuw deh, pengen ngerjain tugas jurnal dulu, tadi gw udah diwanti-wanti ama Bu Ari, laporan PJ Cup-nya belum masuk -_-" (FYI padahal bukan tanggung jawab gw lho, anak kls 8 pada rese ni)
About the Author - Aini N. Z. Maulani
Hello there, I'm a 14-year-old (going to 15 :D) female student who resides in super sunny Indonesia.
If you would like to buy me a present, please do so when January 11 comes.
I wake up at 4 o'clock just to make sure I'm not late for school. FYI, my house is relatively far from SMP Pembangunan Jaya where I study now.
I enjoy watching TV, chatting, reading, writing, drawing, listening to music, and playing. Basically I love to do everything lol.
Currently obsessed over Japan.
My favorite sport is Baseball & Tennis.
Eats yakisoba or yakiniku too much.
I've figured that I already lost my sanity a long time ago. Okay, just kidding.
Listen, I am totally an element that you'd never ever known, you can't find it in the periodic table because no one has even found it.
Ok, I'm done. If you like to contact me, add me on MSN: ainikukyu110194@hot.
I hope you have some fun here.
Please leave me a comment. Thx.
If you would like to be my affi, just contact me ^o^ (but you must link me back :D).